วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2565

FAQs National Credit Education Month 2022

National Credit Education Month FAQs

Where do I get my credit score?

There are three major credit reporting bureaus – Equifax, TransUnion and Experian – and, by law, you are entitled to one free report from each agency per year. You should get one report from each bureau because the information contained in the individual reports may not be consistent and you will want to confirm the accuracy of each.

When is National Credit Education Month?



 How much do Americans owe in credit card debt?

The total amount of credit card debt in the United States passed the $1 trillion (with a T!) in 2019. The average American household with a credit card owes $8,398.

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March is National Credit Education Month which means there is no better time to educate yourself and others on the importance of understanding the ins and outs of your credit score. Did you know that one in five Americans find errors on their credit reports and that more than 90% of home and auto insurers use credit ratings to decide who to cover and what premiums to charge? It’s for these reasons you should actively monitor your credit score as well as educate yourself on how to properly manage it. Let’s get started.

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Why Do We Celebrate National Cheerleading Safety Month?

How to Observe National Cheerleading Safety Month

  1. Follow the rules and guidelines

    Cheerleading rules are strict for a reason! Being sure that your team closely follows rules regarding forming pyramids, tossing, and other stunts will help to ensure athletes don’t go beyond limits of safety, keeping themselves and their teammates safe and injury-free.

  2. Strengthen your muscles

    Some of the most common injuries in cheerleading include sprains and strains due to wear and tear on muscles and ligaments that are not properly strengthened and stretched. Be sure to incorporate regular stretching and strengthening routines into your practice regimen to build stamina, strength, flexibility—and of course, and reduce the likelihood of injury.

  3. Get your first-aid kits ready

    Whether you’re a cheerleader, coach, or parent, being prepared for potential injuries by bringing a first aid kit to training and competitions give you the foresight and proper preparation in case something should happen. Not only is this a smart move, but it allows everyone to feel more secure and have more fun.

Why National Cheerleading Safety Month is Important

  1. Cheerleading takes incredible athletic ability

    Cheering requires an incredible amount of strength, flexibility, timing and muscle memory. Making sure that cheerleaders are prepared both mentally and physically for stunts will ensure the safety and success of all team members. Encouraging and engaging in health and fitness lifestyle habits will help everyone to perform their best at practice and competition time.

  2. Safety helps keep our spirits high

    Cheering is a sport of incredible athletic ability, empowerment, and unity. It gives you the chance to challenge yourself both physically and mentally, all while making great friendships and lead support and pride in your community. Not to mention, you get to jump, flip, and dance to fun music. When you cheer you’re not just an athlete—you’re a performer!

  3. It prevents serious injuries

    Coaches should ensure that their cheerleaders are using proper skill progression to keep routines structured around safety. Make sure to follow the recognized safety practices (AACCA, NFHS or USASF) and develop and practice an emergency plan in case of serious practice injuries. The American Association of Cheerleading Coaches & Administrators helps educate coaches, cheerleaders, and parents on safe practices that will ensure the safety and well being of all participants!

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Ready? Okay! March is National Cheerleading Safety Month, which means there’s no better time to spread the word about cheerleading safety! Cheerleading is one of the most popular sports in the United States. First coming into fashion in the 1920s, the sport of cheerleading has evolved from a sport of community inclusion and patriotism to a revered athletic sport consisting of tumbling, acrobatics, and strength. Celebrate National Cheerleading Safety Month to ensure cheerleading continues to be the safe, supportive, and athletic sport that we love!

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International Transgender Day of Visibility 2022

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Transgender movements have been increasing over the past few generations because of the biases that some people would assume about the transgender community. While there are holidays commemorating transgender people who have suffered, International Transgender Day of Visibility focuses on more of the positive aspects of what being transgender means and takes direct action in changing the biases of people who don’t understand transgender. Read more to learn about this holiday and how you can celebrate it here at Days of the Year.

History of International Transgender Day of Visibility

Rachel Crandall, the head of Transgender Michigan is one of the people who asked why there isn’t a holiday that celebrates who they are? Originally, the first holiday that commemorates transgender people was Transgender Day of Remembrance, a holiday that memorializes the transgender people that the world has lost. While this holiday commemorates the transgender people who have died without any recognition or acceptance, Crandall decided that there should be a better way to celebrate the lives of transgenders and thus created the holiday back in 2009. Since then, Trans Student Educational Resource took over the social media management in 2003 and uses it as a way to educate people about transsexuality.

Hence, International Transgender Day of Visibility is all about giving transexuals the spotlight on this day and educate others about what it means to be transgender and to try and remove transphobia as a result. The Trans Student Educational Resource has education videos that detail stories about trans people and how they experience life. This day encourages people to talk about the issues facing transgender people and why it’s important to talk about those issues. It’s a day of recognition, allowing people to learn about the history of transgender people in the world and day all about building acceptance for a minority group that strives for safety, understanding, and well-being.

How to celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility 

You can celebrate this holiday anywhere and anytime. You can go onto the Trans Student Education Resource and watch educational videos and read stories about trans people. You can also attend trans clubs in your local area and bring about discussions about transphobia. You can also share this holiday on social media using the hashtag #internationaltransgenderdayofvisibility and let your friends know about this holiday and why you support it.

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วันพุธที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2565

Music In Our Schools Month 2022

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March has been officially designated by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) for the observance of Music In Our Schools Month® (MIOSM®), the time of year when music education becomes the focus of schools across the nation.

MIOSM began as a single statewide celebration in 1973, and has grown over the decades to encompass a day, then a week, and then in 1985 to become a month long celebration of school music. The purpose of MIOSM is to raise awareness of the importance of music education for all children – and to remind citizens that school is where all children should have access to music. MIOSM is an opportunity for music teachers to bring their music programs to the attention of the school and the community, and to display the benefits that school music brings to students of all ages.

The celebration continues to grow each year, reaching more and more students, teachers, musicians, and music supporters. Schools and communities throughout the country and overseas celebrate MIOSM with concerts and other activities based on the year’s theme. Classrooms, concert halls, civic buildings, clubs, parks, libraries, and shopping malls are just some of the arenas in which the public can observe the processes and results of music education.

On March 14, 1973, New York celebrated the first Music In Our Schools Day (MIOSD). According to the November 1973 issue of NAfME’s publication, Music Educators Journal, the first MIOSD “was sponsored by the New York State of Education Department’s Bureau of Music Education, the New York City Board of Education’s Music Bureau, NYSSMA, and the New York State Council of Administrators of Music Education.”

New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller acknowledged MIOSD with a proclamation that stated: “This observance is designed to bring about a more genuine recognition in New York State of the vital place of music in the educational process. . . . Music is a powerful esthetic force. It brings spirit and joy into the life of every individual. It dignifies the realm of feeling by merging intellect and emotion in the search of a humane way of life. It strengthens international and racial bonds.”

The proclamation also states: “It is fitting for New York to recognize music in our schools as an essential part of the learning process. We must continue to encourage and support this significant art form, which, as it moves more deeply into the core of education, becomes a powerful single channel into the innermost feelings and responses of every child.

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Take A Walk In The Park Day 2022

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When cities are being designed one of the primary things they ensure to make space for is city parks. From small parks the size of just a couple of blocks to large ones that cover acres of land, city planners know the importance of providing green areas for people to go.

Take A Walk In The Park Day celebrates these small excursions and the differences they can make to our mental, physical, and emotional health.

History of Take A Walk In The Park Day

This day was founded to help people reconnect with the wilder spaces within our civilized world. Thousands of people all over the country walk in local parks, exploring the wildlife and beauty of the natural world around them.

During these walks many opt to bring cameras so they can take pictures of the beauty they find, others opt to bring a book and enjoy the peace of the natural space. Jogging, playing games, drawing pictures from nature, all of these are things people do when they go out and enjoy time in the park.

Getting out into nature has been proven to have a number of therapeutic effects on those who take the time to do it. Their stress levels go down, their heart and mind feel refreshed, their creativity gets inspired, and they become more productive at work. All of this doesn’t even include the physical health benefits they get from walking in the park.

Keeping our bodies in motion and remaining active are important parts of our long term health. Daily walks help keep joints healthy, our muscles limber, and our hearts beating steadily. Every day you walk walking gets to be just a little bit easier and you’ll find yourself less tired than the day before. Take A Walk In The Park Day encourages you to get out and do that, every day of the year.

How To Celebrate Take A Walk In The Park Day

Celebrating this holiday is as simple as doing what it says on the tin, go take a walk in the park! Everyday people take walks as an easy way to get exercise and reconnect with nature, and that’s been proven to have a positive effect on our sense of well-being.

Taking a walk can relieve stress, ease worries, and otherwise make every day just a little bit better. If you’re lucky enough to have multiple parks in your area, why not try a new one every day! While you’re at it, bring a friend!

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Timeline of National Women's History Month 2022

National Women's History Month timeline


I'm with Her

Hillary Rodham Clinton is the first woman to be nominated for President by a major political party.


Women Go to Infinity and Beyond

Sally Ride becomes the first woman in space.


A Women's Place is in the Court

Sandra Day O’Connor is the first woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court


Women Win the Right to Vote

Women are granted the right to vote thanks to the 19th Amendment

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During the month of March, we give a little extra attention to all of the amazing accomplishments of strong, determined women. Since 1987, the United States has formally recognized March as National Women’s History Month. Every woman has a story to tell and gifts to share with the world. So get ready, because this month is about honoring magnificent ladies, and we are ready to celebrate it to the fullest.

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Social Work Month 2022

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When things are at their most challenging it is typically a Social Worker who can step in and bring order to the chaos. It is their super power! You will find them all around the community just waiting and willing to help. Having such an amazing super power makes it easy to see why we need Social Work Month!

History of Social Work Month

In 1984, the White House officially recognized Social Work Month. Since then each year has had its own theme and goal to bring more understanding to what social workers do. Some past themes have focused on issues within society like AIDS/HIV, hate crimes, violence prevention, children in poverty and homelessness just to name a few. In the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, the themes for this month were geared more towards awareness on how social workers can help their communities.

The National Association of Social Workers sponsors this event each year with the goal of acknowledging those who are practicing and to help children understand the profession so that they might choose to make social work their profession. Statistics from the Department of Labor stated in 2008 that the need for social workers has been expected to more than double in size. This was expected in the areas of substance abuse, home health care, school social work and social service agencies.

How to Celebrate Social Work Month

If you are still thinking about what you want to do in life, celebrate Social Work Month by learning more about this essential profession. There are wonderful resources that will tell you all about the education needed, expected salaries, and more about what they do on the internet, at the Department of Labor and in most career counseling centers.

Do you have a social worker in your life? You are lucky if you do! Help them celebrate the month by letting them know how important they are to you. A hand-written note or a card will let them have something to look at and let them know they are doing great things when a hard day comes around! They often come into our lives when we are not at our best, and that must take a toll on them at times. It is nice to give them the positive feedback.

Some social workers spend most of their time in their car going from client to client. You can help them celebrate this month with gift certificates for their favorite coffee, or even where they might try to get a bite to eat during the day! Better yet, a gift certificate for something that would be a treat is a way to go as well. A favorite candy shop or a relaxing message could go a long way to making their day!

No matter how you choose to do it, just make sure to recognize the people around you who have picked social work as their life’s work. They use their super power every day to make a difference in other people’s lives. How cool is that?

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วันอังคารที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2565

Peanut Month 2022

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What nut isn’t a nut, but is an essential part of diets everywhere? What not a nut is used in cooking oil, America’s most popular sandwich, goes amazing with chocolate, is great for the soil, and, incidentally, has one of the most common and violent allergens in the world?If you guess the peanut, you’re dead on! Peanut Month is dedicated to this delicious and nutrition packed little legume (That’s right, not a nut!), and all the places in the world where it’s a vital part of culture and cuisine.

If you guess the peanut, you’re dead on! Peanut Month is dedicated to this delicious and nutrition packed little legume (That’s right, not a nut!), and all the places in the world where it’s a vital part of culture and cuisine.

History of Peanut Month

Peanut Month was established by the National Peanut Board, and coincides with Nutrition month, and it’s no surprise! The peanut is packed with all sorts of nutrients and vitamins, over 30 of them in fact! Not only that, but they also are one of the richest sources of antioxidants in the world, even better than carrots, green tea, and broccoli!

The earliest evidence of these delicious legumes being cultivated was fond in Peru nearly 8000 years ago. Peanuts were found depicted in art, and were offered for sale when the conquistadors arrived in Tenochtitlan. From there, the peanut was spread around the world by traders in Europe, and is cultivated in almost every area where the climate suits.

Peanuts have a place in cuisine all over the world in dishes from basic snacks, appetizers, main courses, and even desserts. In Israel they even have a Cheez Doodle type snack called Bamba Puffs, which are essentially the same snack only flavored with peanut butter instead of cheese.

In the American South it isn’t uncommon to drop a handful of peanuts into a bottle of coke for flavoring, apparently the flavor is the perfect blend of salty, sweet, fizzy, and crunchy. Really, these little legumes have a lot to offer.

How to celebrate Peanut Month

Peanut Month is best celebrated by enjoying all that peanuts have to offer. You can start by just having some honey roasted peanuts around the house to enjoy. If you’re feeling particularly daring (ok, it isn’t THAT daring) you can try a Pad Thai dish, traditionally made with a rich peanut sauce. Some variations are quite hot, however, so don’t do be careful with your selection if you’re sensitive to that.

Peanut Month is a great time to really celebrate this delicious treat, whether it’s with peanut butter cookies or expanding your palate with new peanut recipes, don’t let Peanut Month go by without trying something new.

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Music In Our Schools Month 2022

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March has been officially designated by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) for the observance of Music In Our Schools Month® (MIOSM®), the time of year when music education becomes the focus of schools across the nation.

MIOSM began as a single statewide celebration in 1973, and has grown over the decades to encompass a day, then a week, and then in 1985 to become a month long celebration of school music. The purpose of MIOSM is to raise awareness of the importance of music education for all children – and to remind citizens that school is where all children should have access to music. MIOSM is an opportunity for music teachers to bring their music programs to the attention of the school and the community, and to display the benefits that school music brings to students of all ages.

The celebration continues to grow each year, reaching more and more students, teachers, musicians, and music supporters. Schools and communities throughout the country and overseas celebrate MIOSM with concerts and other activities based on the year’s theme. Classrooms, concert halls, civic buildings, clubs, parks, libraries, and shopping malls are just some of the arenas in which the public can observe the processes and results of music education.

On March 14, 1973, New York celebrated the first Music In Our Schools Day (MIOSD). According to the November 1973 issue of NAfME’s publication, Music Educators Journal, the first MIOSD “was sponsored by the New York State of Education Department’s Bureau of Music Education, the New York City Board of Education’s Music Bureau, NYSSMA, and the New York State Council of Administrators of Music Education.”

New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller acknowledged MIOSD with a proclamation that stated: “This observance is designed to bring about a more genuine recognition in New York State of the vital place of music in the educational process. . . . Music is a powerful esthetic force. It brings spirit and joy into the life of every individual. It dignifies the realm of feeling by merging intellect and emotion in the search of a humane way of life. It strengthens international and racial bonds.”

The proclamation also states: “It is fitting for New York to recognize music in our schools as an essential part of the learning process. We must continue to encourage and support this significant art form, which, as it moves more deeply into the core of education, becomes a powerful single channel into the innermost feelings and responses of every child.

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Multiple Sclerosis Month 2022

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Most of us never think twice about how lucky we are to be able to take a walk to the store, dance it up at a party or just have a conversation with a friend or loved one over coffee—these are just things we take for granted.

Sadly, there are many people who would give anything to be able to do any of those things independently and without pain. Many of these people have Multiple Sclerosis. March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, so let’s help those suffering from it and raise some awareness!

The History of Multiple Sclerosis Month

Multiple Sclerosis, also known simply as MS, is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. This disorder damages and eventually destroys the myelin, or protective covering, surrounding the nerves, causing reduced communication between the brain and nerve pathways. This in turn leads to various parts of the body—and MS can affect practically anything—not being able to work properly.

Common symptoms include overwhelming fatigue, problems with vision and/or speech, difficulty with balance and coordination, and various levels of impaired mobility. Some people also experience debilitating acute pain, go completely blind, or become paralyzed.

Multiple Sclerosis can also be the cause of chronic depression that often results in suicide. In 2010, the number of people with MS was estimated to be 2-2.5 million worldwide, but no treatment has yet been discovered that would be able to change the course of progressive MS.

March was proclaimed Multiple Sclerosis Awareness month in 2015 by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who encouraged both public officials and residents to organize and take part in activities and programs meant to raise awareness about the struggles of people who have this disease.

How to Celebrate Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

There are a few great ways to celebrate this month. Do you know someone who has Multiple Sclerosis? If so, this month is the perfect time to show you care about them, so give them a call, make them a pot of stew or just drop by their place to see if there is anything they need help with. Being disabled often makes people feel helpless, useless, and like they don’t matter anymore. But nothing makes a person feeling lonely, scared or just plain miserable feel better than knowing they haven’t been forgotten.

Last but not least, since Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month is all about raising awareness, take some time this month to educate yourself! The National Multiple Sclerosis Society in the United States, for example, organizes different events all over the country, such as Walk MS, that you can take part in to show your support for the cause. The Multiple Sclerosis Society in Great Britain offers the opportunity to help out by doing little jobs like driving a minibus or managing a website.

If you don’t know anyone with MS, maybe you could consider donating to someone with MS who needs your help? This brave woman, for example, has been fighting the disease for over 20 years and needs help paying for the care home she will have to finally move to: https://www.gofundme.com/jbrvcn6c Remember, every dollar and every share counts!

So what are you waiting for? March is only 31 days long, and there’s so much work to be done!

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Timeline of National Credit Education Month 2022

National Credit Education Month timeline


Credit Card Act of 2009

Also known as Credit C.A.R.D., the Credit Card Act of 2009 shut down some malicious practices in the credit card industry and also required credit card companies to be more clear in their communications to consumers.


Institution of the Consumer Credit Protection Act

An important governmental regulation was introduced in 1968 that helped protect consumers from unethical credit practices.


Invention of the Term "Credit Rating"

Financial experts invent the concept of "Credit Ratings."


Appearance of the Term "Credit"

In 14th-century London, bankers and financial experts began to utilize the term "credit" to describe loan reliability.

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March is National Credit Education Month which means there is no better time to educate yourself and others on the importance of understanding the ins and outs of your credit score. Did you know that one in five Americans find errors on their credit reports and that more than 90% of home and auto insurers use credit ratings to decide who to cover and what premiums to charge? It’s for these reasons you should actively monitor your credit score as well as educate yourself on how to properly manage it. Let’s get started.

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National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month History

History of National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

According to the American Cancer Society, anyone can develop Colon cancer, but some studied factors are: A diet that’s high in red meats (such as beef, pork, lamb, or liver) and processed meats (like hot dogs and deli meat) raises your colorectal cancer risk. Age and smoking are also risk factors. The best thing you can do to avoid this cancer is to stay active, don’t smoke, eat a diet full of vegetables instead of red meat, and get regular colon screenings, starting at age 45, or younger, if you have a family member who has had this cancer. 

Colon cancer is treatable and is not necessarily a death sentence. The reason the cancer is more deadly for U.S. adults is because 20-25% of patients have metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis, which means the cancer has already spread to other parts of the body. Still, this may be cured with a range of treatment options available, including surgery to remove the cancer, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, depending on how far the cancer has spread. 

It was in the year 2000 that President Clinton officially recognized National Colorectal Cancer Month. Since then various organizations have worked together to try and raise awareness and increase early detection.

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We recognize National Colorectal Cancer Month to raise awareness for the fourth most common type of cancer in the United States. With well over 100,000 new cases each year and over one million cases total ‘Colon Cancer’ is a huge problem. But with early detection of this disease, it is estimated that well over half of the deaths that occur annually could be prevented. Thanks to National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, a much-needed spotlight is being cast on the importance of early detection. In March, we come together to provide hope and advocate for awareness.

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FAQs National Caffeine Awareness Month 2022

National Caffeine Awareness Month FAQs

I always have a pot of coffee brewing. Is there any hope?

Reducing your intake is something that can indeed be done. Don’t forget that the recommended dose to stay within healthy limits is 400 mg. That’s three to five reasonably-sized cups a day, so you could start with two in the morning and two in the afternoon, until the healthier habit is formed. A warning, though: energy drinks, sodas, and green teas are also significant sources of caffeine.

I’ll just sip my taurine energy drinks slowly. That lessens the effect of the caffeine, right?

The varying metabolism rates among individuals is a factor, but no, the rate of consumption of a caffeinated product does not reduce the effects of the substance on your body. If you can sip one instead of slamming two or three and keep to that ratio, however, you may be onto something.

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As implied by the name, “Caffeine Awareness Month,” March is the perfect time to take stock of your intake of this alertness-inducing chemical. That’s because, despite the growing popularity and variety of teas and other decaffeinated morning brews, tens of millions of Americans begin each day with a cup or two, or more, of coffee. And a large percentage of coffee drinkers refresh their doses of caffeine with even more coffee or soda throughout the day.

Yes, there are proven health benefits of caffeine (reduction in the risk of throat cancer and stroke, for example), but there are serious downsides as well. Consuming more than 400 mg per day (five eight-ounce cups) may trigger anxiety, insomnia, and increased blood pressure. On top of that, as habitual caffeinated coffee drinkers can confirm, there’s often a “crash” when the intake of caffeine is cut off at the end of the day, similar to the empty-calorie “sugar crash” experienced by sweets lovers.

It’s natural in a spare moment to consider the effects of your daily habits, dietary or otherwise. So this month, take the time you might otherwise use to think about improving your work status or strengthening the bond you have with a partner or family member, and take an honest look at your caffeine consumption. Chances are, you’ll come to an important realization.

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Timeline of Poison Prevention Awareness Month 2022

Poison Prevention Awareness Month timeline


Poison Centers are Available All Over

Today there are 55 centers operating in the U.S.


Poison Centers are Swamped

Poison control centers received more than 3.4 million calls, or one call every 8 seconds.


The Proclamation

President JFK proclaims the third week of March as National Poison Prevention Week, and in time it becomes Poison Prevention Awareness Month.


Think of the Children

Pediatrician Jay Arena collects information about toxic hazards and the American Academy of Pediatrics was formed.


The Unknown

Not much was known about poison control, comprehensive drug labeling, and oversight of pharmaceutical manufacturing.

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Poison Prevention Awareness Month takes place every March and it might be more important than you realize. Poisoning from the Mayo Clinic is defined as an injury or death due to swallowing, inhaling, touching, or injecting various drugs, chemicals, venoms, or gases. It sounds like a distant concept, but the fact of the matter is that most poisonings occur in the home. Smoke inhalation is the most common cause of acute poisonings. Inhalation of carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and other toxic substances make it a silent killer.

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PayDay It Forward 2022

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When you think about it, nothing is stopping any of us from generating ripples of kindness that reach out across the world and the people around us. All of us could share words of affirmation with both the people we know and strangers to make the world a better place. 

This is the concept behind PayDay It Forward. The idea is simple: you pay the kindness you’ve received throughout the year forward to our young men. 

Everybody faces challenges in their lives, both big and small. PayDay It Forward is a reminder that we need to celebrate and honor the young men in our community. At the core of the day is the idea that everyone in the community should do something to make the lives of young men better. If we all got involved, the lives of the young men in our world might be much better. 

PayDay It Forward is an opportunity for people to acknowledge and honor with young man that they encounter with kind gestures and words. The purpose is to validate their presence and existence with personal affirmation and praise. 

History of PayDay It Forward

PayDay It Forward began as a way to get communities to show kindness to their young men and honor them.

Many people want to share their goodwill with young men, but often don’t dare to do so. There’s an enormous amount of untapped kindness out there, and it’s a resource that could benefit society if people could utilize it. PayDay It Forward is an attempt to make that happen. 

How to celebrate PayDay It Forward 

Getting involved with PayDay It Forward is incredibly easy. There are so many things that you can do. 

  • Honor the young men that you encounter. Young men often face considerable pressure in their lives, from education to careers and relationships. PayDay It Forward if an opportunity for everyone to share their gratitude for these members of the community and to show them compassion. 
  • Provide words of affirmation. Many young men don’t often hear words of affirmation that build them up. PayDay It Forward is an opportunity to praise the men in your community and make them feel like valuable members of society.
  • Validate their presence. If you suspect that a young man might feel alienated or left out of the community, then you might want to validate their presence. Letting them know that you value their role in the community and are grateful for the work that they do is an important act of inclusion. The more people that are vested in the success of a community, the better that community will be. 

How will you take part in PayDay It Forward? Will you acknowledge each young man you encounter?

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Timeline of National Cheerleading Safety Month 2022

National Cheerleading Safety Month timeline


Professional Cheering Begins at US Football Events

While estimates of exact dates vary, it was sometime in the 1950s that the first football teams began to hire professional cheerleaders to improve spectacle at games.

February 22, 1877

Princeton Holds First Cheer Meet

This is the first recorded cheer event, in which students, all of them male, got together to formally cheerlead sports events.

November 6, 1869

"Sis Boom Rah!" Cheered for the First Time

The famous "Sis Boom Rah!" cheer originated at the first intercollegiate football game between Rutgers and Princeton.


First Sports Cheer Recorded

British students organize cheers to encourage their sports teams.

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Ready? Okay! March is National Cheerleading Safety Month, which means there’s no better time to spread the word about cheerleading safety! Cheerleading is one of the most popular sports in the United States. First coming into fashion in the 1920s, the sport of cheerleading has evolved from a sport of community inclusion and patriotism to a revered athletic sport consisting of tumbling, acrobatics, and strength. Celebrate National Cheerleading Safety Month to ensure cheerleading continues to be the safe, supportive, and athletic sport that we love!

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Why Do We Celebrate National Social Work Month?

How to Celebrate National Social Workers Month

  1. Promote social workers on social media

    The National Association of Social Workers provides a handy social media toolkit on their website describing how best to honor these heroes! From Gen Z through the Silent Generation, they’re hoping to blanket social media with the hashtags #socialworkers, #SWGenerationsStrong, #SWMonth, and more. Tag a social worker you know to honor them, or post a picture of your social workers party!

  2. Thank a social worker you know

    There are more than 680,000 social workers in the United States - the odds are you know someone who does social work. Honor them with a pop-up party, a thoughtful note or gift, a post on social media, or some nifty social work merchandise! Let them know you’re proud of the vital work that they do.

  3. Donate to a social work organization!

    It’s no secret that social workers are in their role for the outcome, not the income. The average salary for social workers is less than $50,000/year, and there are several essential organizations that support them and help them make ends meet. Some of these include The National Social Work Association and The Social Work Disaster Assistance Fund.

Why We Love National Social Work Month

  1. Social Workers need some R&R

    Arguably few people work harder than social workers. They don’t have standard 9-5 workdays, but rather go where and when they are needed to support those in need. This month, let’s help social workers feel more celebrated and cared for - they need the relaxation as they continue to tirelessly serve our communities.

  2. They are inspirational

    Social workers change lives. From helping someone plagued with substance abuse or depression improve their mental health to helping place children in the right homes for adoption, your brush with a social worker might be one that sets your life on a totally different (better) trajectory. We all are inspired by the help they give us - we think they deserve a special month for that alone!

  3. We get the chance to show our appreciation!

    Social workers often deal with meager salaries and cut budgets. For all they do for those in need and our society at large, we’re lucky to get the month to celebrate them and acknowledge their contributions! This month is a great opportunity to donate and support social workers in our lives.

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National Social Work Month, observed throughout March, uplifts the social workers of our country and celebrates their constant contributions to our society. These professionals use psychology and sociology to solve social issues and improve individual lives – and it’s no easy feat! Social work can be emotionally draining, require long hours, and pay entirely too little, yet still, these superhumans strive every day to improve many people’s quality of life and advocate on their behalf. Take some time out this month to recognize social workers and the great things they do.

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Timeline of National Women's History Month 2022

National Women's History Month timeline


I'm with Her

Hillary Rodham Clinton is the first woman to be nominated for President by a major political party.


Women Go to Infinity and Beyond

Sally Ride becomes the first woman in space.


A Women's Place is in the Court

Sandra Day O’Connor is the first woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court


Women Win the Right to Vote

Women are granted the right to vote thanks to the 19th Amendment

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During the month of March, we give a little extra attention to all of the amazing accomplishments of strong, determined women. Since 1987, the United States has formally recognized March as National Women’s History Month. Every woman has a story to tell and gifts to share with the world. So get ready, because this month is about honoring magnificent ladies, and we are ready to celebrate it to the fullest.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2565

National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month History

History of National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

According to the American Cancer Society, anyone can develop Colon cancer, but some studied factors are: A diet that’s high in red meats (such as beef, pork, lamb, or liver) and processed meats (like hot dogs and deli meat) raises your colorectal cancer risk. Age and smoking are also risk factors. The best thing you can do to avoid this cancer is to stay active, don’t smoke, eat a diet full of vegetables instead of red meat, and get regular colon screenings, starting at age 45, or younger, if you have a family member who has had this cancer. 

Colon cancer is treatable and is not necessarily a death sentence. The reason the cancer is more deadly for U.S. adults is because 20-25% of patients have metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis, which means the cancer has already spread to other parts of the body. Still, this may be cured with a range of treatment options available, including surgery to remove the cancer, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, depending on how far the cancer has spread. 

It was in the year 2000 that President Clinton officially recognized National Colorectal Cancer Month. Since then various organizations have worked together to try and raise awareness and increase early detection.

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We recognize National Colorectal Cancer Month to raise awareness for the fourth most common type of cancer in the United States. With well over 100,000 new cases each year and over one million cases total ‘Colon Cancer’ is a huge problem. But with early detection of this disease, it is estimated that well over half of the deaths that occur annually could be prevented. Thanks to National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, a much-needed spotlight is being cast on the importance of early detection. In March, we come together to provide hope and advocate for awareness.

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Kidney Month 2022

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Deep within our torso lay two little bean shaped (or are the beans them shaped?) organs that do a big job, and are in fact vital to our continued health. Introducing, the Kidney!

It filters 53 gallons of blood a day, keeps your blood pressure in check, and even assists with the production of red blood cells. While these useful little organs spend their day happily performing their function, as many as 26 million Americans may already be suffering from kidney disease and may not even know it.

Kidney Month reminds you that you need to take care of these amazing little filters, your life may very well depend on it!

History of Kidney Month

Kidney Month was established by the National Kidney Foundation to help spread awareness of Kidney disease and ways it could be tested for and prevented. With so many Americans in danger of contracting kidney disease from high blood pressure, diabetes, or a family history of the same. Kidney disease is so prevalent that it’s the 9th leading cause of death in the United States, and over 95,000 people are waiting every day to get kidney transplant, surviving each day on dialysis.

Kidneys are most commonly associated with the creation of urine, but they do so much more than that. While yes they help to break down and excrete waste into the bladder, they also are vital in reabsorption of certain nutrients, include the ever important amino acids. They also serve a vital role in making sure that your bodies pH balance is maintained to help prevent ketosis, and produce hormones that are important in several functions of the body. Blood cell production, absorption of calcium, and regulating aldosterone levels are all important roles the kidney plays. These bean shaped organs do much much more than they’re given credit for, and Kidney Month is your chance to give them the care they deserve.

How to celebrate Kidney Month

Kidney Month is recognized as an opportunity to get people interested in the health of their kidneys. As such, it’s the perfect time to participate in one of the free screenings that show up all over the country. The National Kidney Foundation has a listing of locations and information on their website. You can also pop on over to www.kidney.org and participate in one of their ‘are you at risk’ quizzes to help find out if you NEED, or just should get to a clinic to be tested. These are just a few of the things that pop up each Kidney Month that can help you extend your life and the health of your kidneys.

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Hemophilia Awareness Month 2022

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Sadly, there are many life-threatening medical conditions that many of us know little to nothing about, unless we happen to have a family member who suffers from such a condition.

Thankfully, nowadays most people realize how very important it is to get the word out about various diseases in order to raise awareness about the difficulties some of those around us have to deal with every day.

Hemophilia Awareness Month was created to do just that: shed some light on a condition that is still unknown to many, and find ways to help hemophiliacs who may feel all alone with their problems, or simply lack the financial means necessary to keep their illness under control.

In short, hemophilia is a disease that prevents the blood from clotting after an injury, meaning that a sufferer simply bleeds on and on, something that can easily cause serious health consequences, or even death.

If you don’t know much about this serious medical condition, this is the perfect time to change that and help make the world just a little bit better!

The History of Hemophilia Awareness Month

In order to understand why Hemophilia Awareness Month is so important, it is necessary to know a bit of the disease’s history. It is hard to say when exactly people started suffering from it, but it was first discovered in the 10th century, when physicians began to look deeper into the cases of various people, especially men and boys, who bled to death from seemingly minor injuries.

Sadly, however, the physicians of the 10th century were in no way equipped to study the condition properly, and so hemophiliacs were forced to wait until the 19th century for some answers.

In the meantime, many people continued to suffer from the disease, with some of the most noted cases being those of European royal family members, such as Queen Victoria’s son Prince Leopold. Prince Leopold died at a young age due to internal hemorrhaging caused by a relatively minor fall.

At the time, the condition was “treated” with aspirin, which unbeknownst to the people of the day, only caused it to worsen, as it made the blood of the hemophiliac even thinner than it would have been normally. In 1803, Dr. John Conrad Otto began extensively studying the people he called “bleeders”, and slowly ways to avoid spontaneous, profuse bleeding were discovered, such as the administration of clotting factors.

Unfortunately, however, a definitive cure has not yet been found. It is estimated that 400,000 people the world over suffer from hemophilia, many of which cannot afford proper treatment.

How to Celebrate Hemophilia Awareness Month

Scientists and doctors all over the world work tirelessly trying to find a cure for this illness, but that does not mean that people who are not doctors or scientists cannot do anything to help combat it. Various social media we have access to today, such as Facebook and Twitter to name but a few, are incredible tools that can be used to help more people find out about hemophilia.

These people can in turn make even a small donation to the World Federation of Hemophilia, which helps fund the research needed to finally beat the disease and also pay for treatment for those unable to do it themselves. So play your part in raising awareness for hemophilia this March—like or follow the World Federation of Hemophilia on your preferred social network, and then share, like and retweet!

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Why Do We Celebrate National Peanut Month?

National Peanut Month Activities

  1. Do a movie marathon

    Chuck that bag of popcorn and that tub of ice-cream and instead, binge healthy while binging on Netflix. Get your gang together and buy double peanuts for more fun.

  2. Put peanut butter to good use

    You could make delicious Tagalongs, or indulge in a good-old peanut-butter and jelly sandwich or two. While we're on the subject of making, why not get adventurous and make Nut Liquor? Legend has it that it's vodka flavored with peanut butter.

  3. Donate to food allergy and research

    Peanut allergies are one of the most common allergies around the world, and they can be fatal. Help scientists understand more about peanut allergies by donating to FARE (Food Allergy and Research Education). A little help goes a long way.

Why We Love National Peanut Month

  1. Peanuts help fight depression

    More than 3 million people in the US alone suffer from depression and related mental illnesses. Peanuts contain tryptophan, which aids the release of serotonin, a mood-enhancing hormone. The next time you are feeling low, try munching on some roasted peanuts.

  2. Peanuts are a versatile snack

    Roasted peanuts, peanut butter, peanuts in praline – there are countless ways to include peanuts in your diet. For example, try peanut oil for a healthier alternative to vegetable oils.

  3. Their name is misleading

    Despite the name, peanuts aren't nuts at all. They, in fact, belong to the legume family, and grow underground.

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Believed to be first cultivated about 8,000 years ago in Peru, peanuts pack in a lot of goodness – plenty of proteins, healthy carbs, and as many as 30 key nutrients. They are good for your heart as well as your mental health, and there are plenty of ways to use peanuts – George Washington Carver came up with 300! Given their goodness, it makes sense to have an entire month dedicated to them. Here’s to March, the National Peanut Month!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2565

Caffeine Awareness Month 2022

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Do you start your day with a cup of coffee? Need that candy bar in the middle of the day? It could be that you are using caffeine as an energy boost. Caffeine Awareness Month is a great time to get the low down on exactly how much caffeine you are consuming in a day and if that is having any harmful effects on your body. Some uses of caffeine are as an additive to medicine or food so you may not even realize that you are consuming it.

History of Caffeine Awareness Month

In 2003 the Caffeine Awareness Alliance was formed to advocate for a caffeine-free industry. Their goal is to provide information and resources for everyone in the industry from executives, retailers, and media. It is this organization that has sponsored the creation of Caffeine Awareness Month. The stated goal for the month is to be a health awareness campaign that can help people to make informed decisions about the consumption of caffeinated products.

There are some facts about caffeine that may come as a surprise to you. There are about 60 different plants that have caffeine in them including cocoa, coffee beans, tea leaves, and kola. This means that you may not always know if there is caffeine in a product because, in the United States, the Federal Food and Drug Administration does not require companies to list the amount of caffeine in the nutritional information.

Some sodas that you would think did not have caffeine in them, actually, do. Sunkist’s Orange, A&W Cream Soda, and most diet drinks. Chocolate is another food that has caffeine in it. Because of this, ice cream that has either chocolate of coffee as a flavor can rack up the amount of caffeine you consume as well. Most surprisingly, you will get caffeine from pain relievers and weight loss pills as well!

How to celebrate Caffeine Awareness Month

To celebrate Caffeine Awareness Month, it is the perfect time to do some research into this commonly found stimulant. Learning about what products contain it allows you to make better choices when shopping. For some people, the effects of caffeine are prominent and troublesome. Some of the effects are trouble sleeping, nervousness, shaking and increased heart rate. The amount of caffeine needed to cause this differs from person to person.

The commonly held safe amount of caffeine consumed in a day is 400mg. That is equal to about 10 cans of soda, 5 cups of coffee or 2 energy drinks. It is possible to use the internet to find charts of what products contain caffeine and the estimated amounts. This can be helpful in tracking the amount of caffeine that you consume and help you stay away from some products if needed. Activities such as brisk walking, running or other forms of working out will let the body release chemicals that can lift your mood and increase energy. Changing what drinks you have during the day can help alleviate the effects of caffeine. Use Caffeine Awareness Month to learn all you can about this stimulant and how it is working in your life.

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Social Work Month 2022

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When things are at their most challenging it is typically a Social Worker who can step in and bring order to the chaos. It is their super power! You will find them all around the community just waiting and willing to help. Having such an amazing super power makes it easy to see why we need Social Work Month!

History of Social Work Month

In 1984, the White House officially recognized Social Work Month. Since then each year has had its own theme and goal to bring more understanding to what social workers do. Some past themes have focused on issues within society like AIDS/HIV, hate crimes, violence prevention, children in poverty and homelessness just to name a few. In the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, the themes for this month were geared more towards awareness on how social workers can help their communities.

The National Association of Social Workers sponsors this event each year with the goal of acknowledging those who are practicing and to help children understand the profession so that they might choose to make social work their profession. Statistics from the Department of Labor stated in 2008 that the need for social workers has been expected to more than double in size. This was expected in the areas of substance abuse, home health care, school social work and social service agencies.

How to Celebrate Social Work Month

If you are still thinking about what you want to do in life, celebrate Social Work Month by learning more about this essential profession. There are wonderful resources that will tell you all about the education needed, expected salaries, and more about what they do on the internet, at the Department of Labor and in most career counseling centers.

Do you have a social worker in your life? You are lucky if you do! Help them celebrate the month by letting them know how important they are to you. A hand-written note or a card will let them have something to look at and let them know they are doing great things when a hard day comes around! They often come into our lives when we are not at our best, and that must take a toll on them at times. It is nice to give them the positive feedback.

Some social workers spend most of their time in their car going from client to client. You can help them celebrate this month with gift certificates for their favorite coffee, or even where they might try to get a bite to eat during the day! Better yet, a gift certificate for something that would be a treat is a way to go as well. A favorite candy shop or a relaxing message could go a long way to making their day!

No matter how you choose to do it, just make sure to recognize the people around you who have picked social work as their life’s work. They use their super power every day to make a difference in other people’s lives. How cool is that?

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2565

Cheerleading Safety Month 2022

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From High School through to our major league sports, there is one aspect of sports that everyone can agree on. The pom-pom bouncing, back-flipping, pyramid building men and women who cheer our teams on from the sidelines.

While we often think of them as being nothing more than entertainment on the sidelines, cheerleaders serve a vital role, and the stunts they pull are demanding both mentally and physically. Cheerleading Safety Month comes each year to raise awareness that safety is vital to the health and performance of our team’s biggest supporters.

History of Cheerleading Safety Month

As the basketball season winds down to a close, Cheerleading tryout season often starts, and a bunch of intrepid new group comes to pick up the pom-pom and start down the demanding path of becoming a cheerleader. With the Administrators, Coaches, the Cheerleaders Parents, and Cheerleaders all working together, an education on how to perform at their very best while being safe in their efforts can be passed on and absorbed.

Cheerleading has been around for a long time, since the late 1800’s in fact, and believe it or not back then it was an all-male sport. From 1877-1923, it was the men that led the cheers, that helped to support their team, and in 1898 the idea of organized teams entered the scene. It wasn’t until 1923 that there women actually entered the field of cheerleading, and it took until 1940 for them to actually be recognized in things like student pamphlets and newspapers.

In 1987 the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches & Administrators was formed, and it wasn’t long after that that the important of safety education among Cheerleaders and those who trained them became obvious. This was the first seeds of National Cheerleading Safety Month coming to pass.

How To celebrate Cheerleading Safety Month

There are a number of great ways to celebrate Cheerleading Safety Month, starting with being an active advocate for safety in your local cheerleading squad. This is a special opportunity for parents and administrators, a chance to make certain that your children or team is observing all the necessary safety practices to ensure they have a great, and safe, time.
You can also make contact with the National Cheer Safety Foundation to register as an official Cheer Safety Ambassador with their organization. This allows you to report injuries in cheerleading, build an emergency plan, and generally be a great asset to your team, your children, and their safety.

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Why Do We Celebrate National Flour Month?

National Flour Month Activities

  1. Explore the Different Types of Flour

    Over the years, flour has been broken down into several types based on the different proportion of starches, polysaccharides, proteins, grains, and other factors. Corn, legumes, nuts, or rice make the majority of flour options on the market today. However, there are some flour alternatives made from fruits and vegetables. While there are a wide variety of flour options available, the most commonly used baking flours types include (but are not limited to): All-Purpose Flour, Bleached Flour, Bread Flour, Cake Flour, Enriched Flour, Gluten Flour, Gluten-Free Flour, Hard Flour, Pastry Flour, Self-Rising Flour, Unbleached Flour, Wheat Flour, and much more!

  2. Learn About How Flour is Made

    No matter what type of flour you plan to use, it all starts out the same — as whole grain. Whole grains used for flour are broken down into three parts: bran, endosperm, and germ. Once the grains are selected, they are milled down into flour. Since whole grains still use all three portions of the original grain, this is where the process stops for whole grain flour—both enriched white flour and white grain flour require additional processing to rid the coarse bran and germ from the flour. Eliminating the bran and germ from the flour also removes many of the nutrients and vitamins (such as vitamin B, folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, and more)—which can be added back in during the enrichment process for enriched flour.

  3. Bake Something New

    One of the best ways you can celebrate National Flour Month is to try something new. Making whole grain sourdough bread is surprisingly easy, and once you have the basics down, you can make loaf after loaf in no time. Cookies baked at home are twice as delicious and half the price of store-bought, pre-made cookies. Try your hand at making your own unique recipe, adding your favorite candies and flavorings to a basic, from-scratch cookie dough!

Why We Love National Flour Month

  1. Getting Flour is Easy Now

    Thankfully, unlike our predecessors, the everyday person no longer needs to grind down the grains into powder ourselves. We can just run to the supermarket to get this fantastic cooking component so we can bake to our heart’s content.

  2. Flour Has a Place in Ancient History

    Can you believe flour has been around since the beginning of human civilization? It all started when our ancestors figured out if they broke grass seeds up into powder, then they could use the powder to make hard cakes by baking it over a fire. However, it wasn’t until 3,000 BC that our ancestors figured out how to use grains and yeast to create softer loaves by utilizing the heat from the sun to ferment the dough.

  3. Flour is a Versatile Super Ingredient

    From breads to pastries, cookies to pies, and so much more, baking with flour opens up a world of possibilities! You can make a pizza for your family or some homemade bagels to delight your guests! The possibilities are endless with a little bit of creativity, an oven, and some flour.

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Although it is not as well known as St. Patrick’s Day or Women’s History Month, March bears another significant honor — National Flour Month. When it comes to cooking or baking, flour is a principal ingredient in many food options all around the world. It is necessary for baking bread, cakes, crackers, pasta, pastries, breading for meats, and much, much more. Think of it this way: we would find it pretty hard to make a cake or muffin without flour, and what would breakfast be like without toast, donuts, or other delectable breakfast items? So, in honor of this crucial baking ingredient, here are a few essential details to understand a little more about flour.

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Nougat Day 2022

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Satisfy the sweet tooth on Nougat Day and declare it a day for not counting calories! Heck, satisfy a whole mouth of sweet teeth and smile all the way through bites of the delicious mixture.

Celebrate the ode to nougat by opening those all-time favorite candy bars that fill with the tasty confectionary. A mixture of honey, sugar, nuts and more, nougat has never been more deserving of its own day.

The 3 Musketeers and Baby Ruth bars are share-worthy choices; put them on a platter and hand them out to hungry neighbors. Join in the sugar high too, as any good neighbor would do. Downing one or two of the nougat-filled chocolate bars has a sweetness written all over it. Oh, come on, who wants to miss a calorie-free day?!

Any Charleston Chew fan sings the praises of this day – well, after the swallowing the nougat first! Sweet days are here, sweet days are here.

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Timeline of Irish-American Heritage Month 2022

Irish-American Heritage Month timeline


"From this day forward…”

The first Irish-American Heritage Month is declared by the U.S. Congress.


A new life on brighter shores

About a million people immigrate from Ireland to the U.S. during the Irish Potato Famine.


Religious freedom

The United Kingdom repeals its Anti-Catholic Penal Laws — allowing Catholics to leave the country and come to America.


Signed and sealed

Nine of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence are of Irish origin.

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March is Irish-American Heritage Month, a chance for us to tip back a Guinness and contemplate the Irish blood that flows through the heart of America; From John F. Kennedy to Brad Pitt, some of the most famous, prolific, and influential Americans are of Irish descent. March is our opportunity to reflect upon this heritage, learn more about it, and celebrate what is a unique and brilliant strand of history.

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Timeline of Poison Prevention Awareness Month 2022

Poison Prevention Awareness Month timeline


Poison Centers are Available All Over

Today there are 55 centers operating in the U.S.


Poison Centers are Swamped

Poison control centers received more than 3.4 million calls, or one call every 8 seconds.


The Proclamation

President JFK proclaims the third week of March as National Poison Prevention Week, and in time it becomes Poison Prevention Awareness Month.


Think of the Children

Pediatrician Jay Arena collects information about toxic hazards and the American Academy of Pediatrics was formed.


The Unknown

Not much was known about poison control, comprehensive drug labeling, and oversight of pharmaceutical manufacturing.

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Poison Prevention Awareness Month takes place every March and it might be more important than you realize. Poisoning from the Mayo Clinic is defined as an injury or death due to swallowing, inhaling, touching, or injecting various drugs, chemicals, venoms, or gases. It sounds like a distant concept, but the fact of the matter is that most poisonings occur in the home. Smoke inhalation is the most common cause of acute poisonings. Inhalation of carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and other toxic substances make it a silent killer.

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Make Up Your Own Holiday Day 2022

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As you’ve probably noticed there seems to be a holiday for just about everything, from the culturally important ones like Christmas and Hannukah to the purely secular and silly like Office Supply Day.  

If you’ve ever wondered whether you can make your own holiday then the answer is an unequivocal YES, and Make Up Your Own Holiday Day was the holiday created to encourage people to do so! (See, we told you there was a holiday for just about everything).

History of Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

Unsurprisingly the origin of Make Up Your Own Holiday Day can be traced to Wellcat and its founders Ruth and Thomas Roy. These amazing people have created more than seventy holidays of their own, all of which have been posted on their website and are included in Chase’s Calendar of Events published by McGraw-Hill.  

After creating so many holidays of their own and sharing so much joy with the world it is perhaps unsurprising that they decided it was time to invite others to join in the fun!

While many holidays have their roots in religious and culturally important events, it’s certain that at some point they got their start because someone decided to start celebrating something.  

That celebration was shared with others, who in turn shared it with others, and an entire tradition was started simply because someone was looking for an excuse to have a little fun. Make Up Your Own Holiday Day invites everyone to share their excitement about their favorite things with others.

Holidays can be created to celebrate movies, foods, arts and crafts, medical conditions and much more, and can serve as an opportunity to raise awareness, generate funds for charity, and generally bring people together about your favorite topic.

How to Celebrate Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

It all starts with deciding what you want your holiday to be about, and that’s something you can do as an individual or as part of a group.  Is there something that’s important to you or a group of people you’re a part of that doesn’t get enough recognition and you think it’s high time it had a holiday?

Make Up Your Own Holiday Day is your chance to start making other people aware of this important cause. Don’t let that thing that’s important to you continue to live in obscurity, create a holiday of your very own and start giving it the attention it deserves!

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Listicles Nike Air Max Day 2022

Five Surprising Facts About Air Max Day

  1. Air and space

    An aerospace engineer named Frank Rudy pitched the air-bag innovation to Nike.

  2. Hip-hop culture

    The design was inspired by the shifting art and music that was becoming more street-based in the 1980s.

  3. The art design

    The design was inspired by the art gallery Le Centres George Pompidou which has an inside out design.

  4. Kids rule

    Some of the Air Max Day sneaker releases are kids-only designs.

  5. Blowing hot air

    Nike Air actually uses Nitrogen.

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Nike Air Max Day is celebrated on March 26 with a design that made it one of the most iconic sneakers in history. Nike is well-known now, and a lot of its fame is a result of perfect branding. In the Spring of 1972, Nike’s infamous “Swoosh” logo further fortified its brand recognition. The name is an onomatopoeia of the sound when something rapidly passes by you, which makes it the perfect fit for Air Max sneakers which are designed for running.

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Timeline of National Women's History Month 2022

National Women's History Month timeline


I'm with Her

Hillary Rodham Clinton is the first woman to be nominated for President by a major political party.


Women Go to Infinity and Beyond

Sally Ride becomes the first woman in space.


A Women's Place is in the Court

Sandra Day O’Connor is the first woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court


Women Win the Right to Vote

Women are granted the right to vote thanks to the 19th Amendment

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During the month of March, we give a little extra attention to all of the amazing accomplishments of strong, determined women. Since 1987, the United States has formally recognized March as National Women’s History Month. Every woman has a story to tell and gifts to share with the world. So get ready, because this month is about honoring magnificent ladies, and we are ready to celebrate it to the fullest.

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Irish-American Heritage Month History

History of Irish-American Heritage Month

Irish-American Heritage Month was first celebrated by proclamation of the President in 1991. It seemed natural to choose March (Saint Patrick’s Day falls on March 17) for the month-long recognition of the contributions that Irish immigrants and their descendants have made to U.S. society. Virtually every realm of American endeavor, from steelworking to biotechnology to literature, has seen improvement through Irish-descended hands and minds.

The tradition of the Presidential proclamation continues on a yearly basis, with the top political figure from Ireland, the “Taoiseach,” visiting to conduct a shamrock-giving ceremony at the Oval Office, followed in the evening by a reception attended by the President and other key figures of both governments.

Most people know the basic facts of the influx of Irish families to the shores of the United States during the 19th century, with the image of the Irish immigrant being conscripted into the Army minutes after stepping off the boat perhaps the most ingrained in the minds of former grade-school history students.

What is less talked about is the anti-immigrant sentiment that was often faced by new Irish-Americans, largely a result of their Catholicism, which clashed with the predominantly Protestant backgrounds of the majority of families whose members had been among the original colonists. Irish-Americans faced bitter competition, even slanted legislation, in their search for good jobs and a place to call home.

This month we recognize not only the overcoming of those obstacles by Irish-Americans but also the incredible breadth and depth of their contributions to American society, from the Union’s edge over the Confederacy in the Civil War to the intellectual contributions that have kept our country on the top tiers of accomplishment.

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March is Irish-American Heritage Month, a chance for us to tip back a Guinness and contemplate the Irish blood that flows through the heart of America; From John F. Kennedy to Brad Pitt, some of the most famous, prolific, and influential Americans are of Irish descent. March is our opportunity to reflect upon this heritage, learn more about it, and celebrate what is a unique and brilliant strand of history.

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